Monday, August 3, 2009


Yet another picture post. The first few are from the weekend, the last few from my family's visit.

OK, Chinese names for family members are insanely complicated, (think: oldest daughter of my father's brother vs. younger son of my mother's younger sister, etc.) I will not attempt them. From left to right: Andrew, me, Andrew's cousin, and Andrew's other cousin's wife (or ex-wife. I was confused.)
We visited a koi pond, not for the scenery, but for the smoothies. As I said, our only purpose this weekend was eating.
I won't use this picture to reinforce any stereotypes about this continent's preoccupation with photography, but I will say that Andrew's cousin had some interesting demands for photo taking at this very random train track. (A train raced by about two minutes later. We scurrried.)
My kind of wine vendor.... 
Proof my sister Emily was in Taiwan. ^She and I laughing at something that i do not remember, but which was most certainly inappropriate.
Another entry in my long-since abandoned favorite crazy sign contest. This was a map in the Yangmingshan Park.

(Photo credit to Sei for the crazy signs. She donated them to my contest.) 


  1. people doing homework in the bar! (probably not, but this reminded me of this)

  2. Alright, I admit. I'm a sucker for picture posts. =)
